
Since its founding in 1999, SmartMan Software Ltd. has provided all many businesses with professional services. SmartMan Software focuses on customer oriented services and continues to build strong customer relationships with trust and responsibility.

Early on, SmartMan developed a payroll management program for the HP 3000. Shortly thereafter, SmartMan Software redesigned it into a Windows-based product and officially named it SmartMan.

In 2000, a new web-based spreadsheet system SmartFlow was created to meet the needs of a digital marketplace with paperless functionality.

SmartMan Software began to offer payroll outsourcing services in 2006.

SmartMan Software transformed and upgraded the consulting services to meet the diverse needs of an ever-changing market. Since it began aiding manufacturers with work involving payroll and attendance calculations for factory workers 25 years ago, SmartMan Software has accumulated a wealth of experience providing several businesses with professional consulting services.

SmartMan Software diligently keeps all enterprise software up to date to keep it in compliance with the latest government regulations. In addition to providing customized services, rental software, and payroll outsourcing services, SmartMan Software has successfully assisted many businesses in achieving their goals by providing critical analysis and advice from professional consultants.